Company Policy

This Company policy exist for the benefit of Juvenate Wellness International and its Members or distributors. Juvenate Wellness International, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate the account of any member caught in violation of the policies stated herein without notice.

Juvenate Wellness International reserves the right to change these policies at any time, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of these Policies each time you view and use the Website and also continually do business with us as a company. Do not sign up as a distributor or use the Website, if you do not agree to all of these terms and conditions stated herein.

This document was last updated on August 01, 2023.


1.1. This Company policy was created by Juvenate Wellness International to clearly define the rights, duties and responsibilities of a Juvenate Wellness Independent Distributor. This will help to promote harmony and preserve the benefits, rights and privileges of our esteemed distributors without restricting or limiting their business.

It is important that every JWI distributor reads and understands the Rules addressed in this Policy handbook.

The Company reserves the right to change or amend existing rules, or to add new rules without giving prior notice to our Distributors. However, if there are any changes, the Company will, from time to time, issue circulars and memorandum to inform Distributors of any changes, amendment, or addition.

Each Distributor, who accepts our terms and conditions on our website, expressly agrees to abide and be bound by the policies contained herein.

Any member who fails to observe the Rules and Policies will not plead ignorance to the Rules and Regulations.


2.1. Juvenate Wellness International is a multilevel company, providing life-changing products with proven result. We believe in promoting natural health, wellness, self-empowerment and financial independence.

As a Multilevel marketing company we enroll, equip, train, encourage and support independent distributors to sell our products through retailing and building network of distributors

In other words, The Company markets and distributes its products through a chain of independent distributors who sell the products and deliver them to our customers and end users. Distributors at all levels are encouraged to make retail sales every month and keep records of such sales.

2.2. A Distributor is one who officially registers, fill up the application form on our website and accepts our terms and conditions. Again, all applications to be a distributor must fulfill the conditions set out in Rule 1.1 above.


3.1. Any individual applying to be a Juvenate Wellness International distributor must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Must be a responsible citizen of not less than 18 years or above
  • Must be sponsored by a valid JWI Distributor.
  • The individual applying must fill out or provide all the necessary information required on our application form.
  • All Distributors are considered independent contractors. There is no agency or employment relationship between the Company and the Distributors.
  • A Distributor does not have the authority or the power to bind the Company to any obligation or contract which will create a liability against the Company in any way or for any purpose.
  • A Distributor shall not use the Company's name, logo, slogans, and trademarks without prior written consent of the Company.
  • The Distributor shall not represent herself / himself, expressly or implicitly, as an “employee” or “agent” of Juvenate Wellness International on any of her / his stationery or printed materials.
  • A Distributor shall not represent nor declare, expressly or implicitly, to be the sole or exclusive Distributor for or to any particular area or territory of the Juvenate Wellness International business.

3.2 Life Distributorship & Transfer of Sponsorship

a. Distributorship is for life, and the transfer of accounts or sponsorship is not permitted.

b. Transfer of sponsorship is not permitted except in very special or peculiar circumstances to aid in conflict resolution within the company

c. Transfer of sponsorship is allowed only if all the following conditions are fulfilled:

3.3 Disputes

a. If two Distributors claim to be the sponsor of a new Distributor, the Company shall regard the first person who “convincingly” prospected the new distributor as the valid sponsor and this must be independently verified by the company management after consulting all parties involved.

b. As part of our policy, the Company strictly prohibits the act of “poaching”. Poaching in this context means:

  • Signing up an existing and valid JWI Distributor from other teams or genealogy tree of another distributor.
  • Signing up under another sponsor to operate his/her Distributorship while his/her distributorship is still in existence.

c. The Company reserves the right to take the following actions against the party at fault:

  • The Distributor who “poaches” other distributors from other teams shall be terminated.
  • All Distributors involved shall be transferred back to their original sponsors.

d. In any circumstances whatsoever, no backdating of bonuses shall be considered.

3.4. Responsibility of sponsor

a. The only requirement a prospect or new distributor must meet to become a distributor is the payment of registration fees and activation of any of the company packages. Sponsor must educate his/her new distributor.

b. Upon presenting the Company's Marketing Plan, a Distributor must make it clear to the new Distributor that:

  • There is no requirement that a prospective distributor must make any purchase other than the registration fee to become a Distributor.

3.5 Termination of Distributorship

a. Termination means a severance of all privileges and contractual rights available to a Juvenate Wellness International distributor including but not limited to the privilege to distribute JWI products. The termination will result to inability to qualify for commissions, volume bonuses, and severance of all other benefits as stipulated by the Company.

b. A terminated Distributor shall, upon demand by the Company, be liable to repay, return or compensate Juvenate Wellness International for any bonuses, prizes, inventories or any other incentives received from the Company retrospective from and after the date of the activities causing such termination.

c. Distributorship will be terminated if he/she is found to have violated one or more of the Code of Ethics, or any other Rules, Policies, or Business Ethics as amended from time to time.

3.6 Voluntary Termination of Distributorship

a. If a Distributor wishes to terminate his/her Distributorship, he/she must do so in writing. The effective date is the date on which the Company accepts and confirms the termination request. The resigned Distributor forfeits his/her current sales level and all down lines established at the time.

3.7 International Distributors / Sponsors

a. Each country JWI expands to or will expand to shall have different forms and agreements. A Distributor agreement must be filed in the country of residence. Agreements used for a wrong country will be invalid. The agreement becomes binding if approved by the Company.

b. A Distributor must inform the Company in the country of origin of his/her intention to practice in a different country.

c. A Distributor must enter into an international distributor and Sponsor Agreement with the Company before sponsoring Distributors in a virgin country other than new territories that company has expanded to.

d. A Distributor may order products and sales aids for his/her given country which can only be sold in the said given country.

e. Distributors who opt to ship overseas to countries or territories with or without our market presence will be subject to the distributor's own risk and cost.

f. A Distributor shall not take any steps in another country with the intention of commencing the Company's business in countries where business has not officially started. He/she may not solicit for clients, advertise, apply for trademarks or trade names including reserving the Company's name (including but not limited to, website names, address, et cetera in digital and traditional platform). The Distributor may not secure the approval for any of the Company's products or business practices. Any costs incurred by any action by the Company necessary to remedy the above will have to be indemnified by the Distributor.

g. Any Distributor who does not comply with the above will be terminated or be barred from participating in the new international market for two (2) years from the date of the official opening of the said market.

The following are prohibited activities that can lead to termination

a. Misrepresentation as to the use and or benefits of JWI products, or what a person may earn as a Juvenate Wellness Distributor.

b. Participating in any scheme, device or other means used to discourage another JWI Distributor from purchasing products from Juvenate Wellness for the purpose of re-sponsoring such Distributor.

c. Engaging in activities that involve the soliciting of any person whom a Distributor knows, or under the circumstances, should have known is a JWI Distributor, to sell other products of any nature, by or through another Direct Selling method, or attempting to build or establish a business detrimental to or be at the expense of other qualified Distributors, their groups, or Juvenate Wellness International.

d. Using or knowingly teach other Distributors to use unethical, illegal, unlawful or improper ways to do Juvenate Wellness business.

e. Engaging in any activities with the intention to cheat the Company or to deprive other Distributors of their rightful benefits, including but not limited to “poaching” of Distributorship and or sales.

f. Distributors with ranked leadership position found to be actively participating in another Direct Selling Company.


a. A 'Notice of Intent to Terminate" will be sent to the offending Distributor via email, verbally or through any electronic means deemed necessary, stating clearly the following:

  • The reason for taking such action.
  • The date (if applicable), place and action, negligence or omission causing grounds for termination, and;
  • The offending Distributor is given 14 days to reply and or appeal with reason(s) against the allegation, and;

b. The Company will suspend the Distributor at the end of the 14 days if no written reply has been received, or if there is such reply or appeal, the company after due deliberation, find it unsatisfactory.

c. A “Notice of Suspension of Distributorship” will be sent to the offending distributor, giving him/her another 14 days to reply and appeal against the allegation, stating clearly that the failure to reply or appeal thereof, the Company will terminate the Distributorship at the end of the 14 days.

d. If the written reply or appeal were, after due deliberation, satisfactory justification for the act, negligence or omission, then the Company will issue a letter to accept the appeal and the matter will be closed.

e. Any reply or appeal against the termination must be in writing and reach the Company within the specified time frame.

f. Failure to respond to the Notice within the specified time frame will be construed as an acceptance of the termination.

g. In the event of termination, the terminated Distributor agrees to immediately cease representing himself/herself as a Juvenate Wellness Distributor and the terminated Distributor's downlines shall be permanently rolled up.


a. You may order Products directly from the Company online system. All prices shall be subject to government-imposed VAT and is subject to change as prescribed by law without prior notice.


a. Payment for stock purchases, registration, product activation and re-order is strictly either in form of online transfer, vouchers, or debit cards (where applicable).

b. Distributors may purchase their stock from Company and payment for the purchases could be made with POS or bank deposit in to the Company's Account with: ZENITH Bank Plc (Account Name: JUVENATE WELLNESS LIMITED / No: 1228821909)


a. As a policy of the company, stock/product purchased cannot be returned in order to refund cash.

b. Stock may only be returned in special circumstances to exchange for another stock of similar or higher value. If the stock replaced is of higher value, the Distributor must pay the difference in cash.

c. The Distributor must fill up Stock Exchange Form and attach relevant invoices/receipts or proof of payments. The Company reserves the right to reject the exchange should the documents submitted prove insufficient. Stocks are only exchangeable within 5 working days from the date of purchase.

d. No stocks can be exchanged after the period as provided for in 9.c above.


a. The Juvenate Wellness Marketing Plan is used to facilitate product sales to consumers and personal use of distributors, therefore stock piling orders or the purchasing of large quantities of inventory or in unreasonable amounts solely for the purpose of qualifying for bonuses or advancement in the Marketing Plan or Pyramiding are strictly prohibited by the Company.

b. Dumping and sales of product below suggested retail price is also strictly prohibited.


a. Rewards, incentives, and benefits (hereinafter referred to as Commissions and Bonuses) are all expressions used by Juvenate Wellness International to describe financial and non-financial privileges which a qualified member/distributor will receive.
Bonus Points shall be calculated in Product Volumes (PV) and United States Dollar (USD), whereby Bonus shall be converted in the participating countries' local currencies when withdrawal is initiated. The Company shall decide on the appropriate exchange rate for bonus withdrawals globally.

b. The total Product Value accumulated by Distributors in the various countries shall be consolidated and + calculated in PVs and USD.

c. Company reserves the right to recall the excess bonuses given out to you.

d. The Company requires the distributor to submit copies of original citizenship or work permit for bonus entitlement in countries where the law stipulates the need of such documentation to receive bonuses. Company will also not be responsible for any citizenship or work permit application or payment to the relevant authorities.

e. Company shall not be liable for any bonus payout if the requirements are not met.

f. An administrative fee of 7.5% VAT will apply for every transaction done via the system.

g. Rewards such as Travel Incentives, Cars, Cash or House Incentive will only be rewarded once. However, the Company reserves the right to reward outstanding leaders and stockist’s on an exceptional basis.

h. Pursuant to any applicable Federal, State and Local Laws and /or regulations, the company is compelled to Withhold taxes and /or any form of applicable taxes from any compensation and /or bonuses payable to our distributors under this Agreement.


a. In order to serve the best interests of Management and Distributors and to keep everyone current on Company activities and policies, the Company has set up a Marketing Support department where distributors can address their concerns to the said department.


A. For official interpretation purposes, and in case of any discrepancy, the English Language version will be used. In case of any inconsistency in any literature produced by the Company, the English version will prevail.


a. A Distributor may only promote the products and business opportunity of Juvenate Wellness International. He/she may not promote competitor’s company products and/or business opportunity, either through direct selling or non-direct selling.

b. A Distributor may only promote the Company, its products and business opportunity through personal contact and through Company-approved promotion channels. A Distributor may not promote the Company, its products or business opportunity through the media. Consultations by media representatives should be referred to the Chief Operating Officer, Country Managers or Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Any acts of a distributor leading towards any legal actions as a result of such actions should be indemnified by the Distributor. These may include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Claims that are unreasonable or misleading in relation to potential earnings; Claims stipulating one can earn profits or revenue due to a connection with a Distributor or Company.
  • Mass distribution of brochures, name cards, flyers etc. by way of electronic mail, mail, placing in mail boxes, public places, vehicles or similar means.
  • A Distributor is prohibited from using trademarks, service marks, copyrights, trade names, product names, or logos belonging to the Company or any company associated with Juvenate Wellness and its products, in any form of advertising unless with prior written permission from the Company. Non-compliance with this clause is considered a serious violation of this Agreement and may result in disciplinary action which may include immediate termination of the Distributor.

c. The use of the Company's logo, trademark, or names may not be displayed on any area visible to the public without explicit written approval from the Company.

d. No celebrity endorsement may be used unless with period written approval of the celebrity.

e. A Distributor may only use business cards and personalized sales aides that are produced and approved by the Company.

f. Business cards used by all distributors must be of the same type in terms of colour, size, text, font and contents as per the sample contained in the Distributor's manual. The exact content as stated above is allowed in different languages. Before use, a Distributor must submit for approval to the Company a sample of the business card. Non-compliance will render the Distributor subject to a disciplinary action. Thereupon, a new sample for approval by the Company will have to be submitted.

g. A Distributor may not use Intellectual Property and Proprietary information belonging to the Company without prior authorization from the Company.

Any unauthorized breach constitutes a material breach of this Agreement. All unauthorized use of such material becomes the property of the Company and must be immediately assigned to the Company. A Distributor may not use or reserve domain names belonging to the Company and agrees to renounce his rights to such names if found to be similar with the Company's even though the Distributor may have had a prior right to the Company.

h. A Distributor may only use websites and website addresses as approved by the Company and on templates specified by the Company.

i. A Distributor is prohibited from placing advertisements in newspapers, magazines, or other publications, promoting himself/herself or the Company's products without the prior written consent of the Company.


16.1. A distributor may only make product claims and representation pre-approved by the Company. Claims must only be limited to that of product safety and for general well-being.

16.2. No claims can be made as to medicinal values of the product


17.1. The Company reserves the right to change, amend, alter, vary, add, or update its business policies including, but not limited to, prices, registration and Agreement for Distributorship and other rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as said Rules) at any time, and whenever it is deemed necessary and without consent of the Distributor. The variations will be published in the Company's official pricelist, social media handles or website and the Distributor agrees that this will be deemed to serve as notice of change to the Distributor.

17.2. The Distributor shall be bound by any such future changes, amendments, variations or additions. By continuing to act as a Distributor after the said modifications, the Distributor's acts shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of any such amendment to the agreement.

17.3. The Company may vary the price and product range either by making changes in its design, production or packaging as deemed fit. The Company may also withdraw its products or add a new product to its lineup as it deems fit.

17.4. This contract is to be treated as the final agreement between the Distributor and the Company and supersedes all prior or inconsistent agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties. However, the Company reserves the right to impose additional terms and conditions specific to a Distributor or generally to all Distributors.

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10 Ajanaku Street,
Off Salvation Road, Opebi,
Lagos State, Nigeria


Mon: 10am – 3pm

Wed: 10am – 3pm

Fri: 11am – 4pm

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Juvenate Wellness International is Africa’s foremost health, wellness, nutrition and body care brand.

To improve the health of the world, render quality service to our customers and empower our distributors financially.

To be Africa's foremost health, nutrition, wellness and body care brand.
Contact Details:
Juvenate Wellness, 10 Ajanaku Street,
Off Salvation Road, Opebi,
Lagos State, Nigeria.